Friday, December 11, 2009

I am Bach

...packing a bigger punch than Arnie. In the ever ongoing fight with lazyness, let this be an emphatic (though might-be temporary) victory.

For four years I have been mentally visualizing this state of my life. The state of transition when I wouldn't have any work commitments; knowledge transition would be over and I can lie back and breathe deeply, take a look at the surroundings and be amazed at how the same old place would start looking less-frustration-inducing. But when I am finally here, I don't feel anything. Nothing feels different. May be I am still not mentally detached or may be the last one and a half years have already made me acclimatized to this freedom.

Whetver the case is, it is always good to overcome inertia and to move. Be it out of an organization or into the cyberspace via this entry.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PPT for Love

Love and hurt are as inseparable as roads and pollution, beer and beer belly, cell-phones and promotional calls and code and bugs. No matter how hard guys try, the answer to that all important question as to what women want always seems elusive. Well, even Freud didn’t know. Even if he did, he didn’t tell us, probably under threat or coercion from the different publications who make a living out of running personal-help columns. Through the ages, we have had billions of people spending sleepless nights and doze-less afternoons, lost in their relationship equations with almost a thousand variables (comprising cards, cakes, movies, fights, differences, preferences, parental guidance and so on…).

So, if you think your love life can be much more challenging and confusing to debug than a million lines of badly documented code, think again. Here’s presenting the latest revolutionary philosophy which solves your problems even before they might appear. Lovingly referred to as the Predictive Problem-solving Technique or PPT, this should be your key to sublime happiness. You’d never ever need to write to those agony columns again.

PPT has involved painstaking research on terabytes of data over many love and life cycles, hours of doodling, fiddling around with pencils and dozens of sandwiches. As the old Martian saying goes: every problem can either be solved or dissolved; PPT predicts that all the relationship equations can be reduced to two basic inequations, and all relationship queries or problems can be grouped into two basic questions:
1. I am in love with (some-girly-name) but I am scared that if I come clean about my feelings, she might say “No” and I might lose her friendship. What should I do?
2. I was in love with (some/same-girly-name) but everything that she liked about me before the relationship started, now gets her mad at me. What should I do?
The answers are simple
1. Don’t get scared as long she doesn’t say “Yes”.
2. Refer to Answer 1. We told you so.
So there you are, all your present/future problems are encapsulated and solved even before they appear. Stop bothering about relationships heading to heaven or hell and just enjoy the ride. And about PPT, Agony Uncle urges all to keep it a secret till it is patented and Uncle moves on to more critically important research on a statistical tool to predict and deal with sudden urges to break into laughter during grave teleconferences or group meetings.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

This is your life...

and you open the door
and you step inside
we're inside our hearts
now imagine your pain
is a white ball of healing light
that's right, feel your pain,
the pain itself,
is a white ball of healing light
i don't think so
this is your life
good to the last drop,
doesn't get any better than this
this is your life, and it's ending
one minute at a time
this isn't a seminar
and this isn't a weekend retreat
where you are now
you can't even imagine
what the bottom will be like

only after disaster
can we be resurrected
it's only after you've lost
everything that you're
free to do anything
nothing is static,
everything is evolving,
everything is
falling apart
you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
you are the same decaying
organic matter as everything else
we are all a part of the same compost heap
we are the all-singing,
all-dancing crap of the world
you are not your bank account,
you are not the clothes you wear
you are not the contents of your wallet
you are not your bowel cancer
you are not your grande latte
you are not the car you drive
you are not your fucking khakis
you have to give up
you have to realise that someday you will die,
until you know that you are useless
i say let me never be complete
i say may i never be content
i say deliver me from swedish furniture
i say deliver me from clever art
i say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
i say you have to give up
i say evolve, and let the chips
fall where they may
i want you to hit me as hard as you can
welcome to fight club
if this is your first night you have to fight

A few years after I watched this movie for the first time, I rediscovered this piece accidentally today. It's goose-pimples all over again!